Friday, January 4, 2013

H.Alt For Me!

Hey! If you're reading this, you have successfully discovered the blog of the up and coming author, H. Alt! Which is me. How's it going?

I've had this blog for a while, but I've never really utilized it. So for my first post, I'll do a traditional plug of my new (although not really so new) and available novel, Oblivion! You can find it here! This is a new, re-formatted, re-edited version of the original. Check it out!

This is also a good time to mention that I have a second novel in the process of becoming published. Below is an excerpt from my next novel, "Sunkissed: A Zombie Novel." Read on!


The man’s body looked as though he had pulled himself out of a grave and come back from the dead. For being a video that was only 400 by 300 pixels, the detail was painstakingly sharp. The shallow breaths of whoever held the video camera fill my ears as I remember, and I lean against the doorframe, squeezing my eyes shut. I saw that man; dead or alive, it was impossible to tell, dragging one foot behind him as though it were too heavy, as though his ankle were broken. Despite his injured leg, he was still shockingly fast. He sprinted across the street, jumped on a middle-aged woman, and with no hesitation at all, buried his teeth into her neck and ripped the muscle out of her throat. Blood poured everywhere; the woman’s screaming came out jagged and disconnected. She collapsed, and several more like the man – pale and grotesque-looking, with wounds and torn clothes, their arms hanging limply as though they had forgotten how to use them – leapt onto her. Her blood-curdling screams paused only between fits of bloody gurgling. The monsters ripped her to shreds, greedily scooping her insides into their mouths. The cameraman’s hand shook hard, the picture trembling as though he was fighting to stay standing in an earthquake.
The video ended when the cameraman turned hard to the left, and one of the cannibals’ faces filled the frame and froze.
That face…I’ll never forget it. If he looked healthy, he’d be in his mid-twenties. His hair was ragged and greased with blood – his own or maybe another’s. His eyes were sunk deep in his sockets and his cheeks sagged. His jaw was broken so that his mouth was fixed in a never-ending scream of agony, and his eyes…
His eyes were dead.


Hope you enjoyed the excerpt! I'll be around with more updates eventually. Thanks for reading!